Virgin of the Angels: Cartago, Costa Rica

cartago,costa rica shop keeper selling salvadores

The Basilica of Our Lady of the Angels is a Roman catholic Basilica in the town of Cartago, Costa Rica built in 1639. It is the home of The Virgin of the Angels, a small statue of the Virgin Mary with a dark complexion sometimes called ‘La Negrita” or the ‘Queen of Cartago”, the patron of Costa Rica. She is kept inside a small  golden shell inside the Basilicsa where believers leave Salvadores, small silver representations of body parts they hope to be cured. “In August the Basilica is the object of extensive pilgrimage and visitation by about 2.5 million believers throughout the country, many of whom join in the celebrated 22-kilometer walk to the basilica during the Romería. Though many people start the pilgrimage from locations all over Costa Rica, some, as a demonstration of their piety, choose to crawl the 22 kilometers on their hands and knees.” For more info on travel to Costa Rica go to the official tourism board website: Visit Costa Rica