Verizon workers on strike in Northampton,MA
Over 45,000 Verizon workers around the country have been on strike for job security and a fair contract. In Northampton, MA, strikers and their supporters maintained a picket line outside of the Verizon offices on 61 Masonic Street. This Saturday, 8/13/11, a large picket and rally is planed here from 1:30 Pm to 2:30pm. Come on down!
Max Hartshorne
August 12, 2011 @ 12:53 am
These linemen and techs are striking partly because they want to be continue to pay nothing toward their health insurance premiums. How many other people pay zilch? Maybe they have other beefs such as the fact that declining landline use makes their jobs at some point obsolete, but I can’t rally for them if they think they deserve not to have to pay when just about all us us cough it up and make way less than these guys do.
Paul Shoul
August 12, 2011 @ 1:30 am
I support their right to negotiate. The citizens of Denmark, France, Canada and most other “civilized” countries in the world do not pay for their health care either, just “us” suckers here in the good old USA. We can talk about this in Norway, oh and by the way. there is a typo in your comment. HA!
Amy Bookbineder
August 13, 2011 @ 4:20 pm
Go Verizon Workers!!! (i.e. go middle class…) Solidarity Forever!!!!