The Young at Heart Chorus

young at heart chorus florence mass john rhinehart

I love the Young at heart chorus. Every time I photograph them, a little bit of their uber energy rubs off on me, and I feel hopeful for the world again. Last week I shot them during a rehearsal in Florence Mass. Above, John Rhinehart dances across the room during a solo.
Here is what Bob Cilman has to say,“The current performers in Young@Heart range in age from 73 to 89. There are some with prior professional theater or music experience, others who have performed extensively on the amateur level, and some who never stepped onto a stage before turning eighty. None of the current performers of Y@H were part of the original group that formed in 1982, but they have kept alive the spirit of the early pioneers and continue to push the group into glorious new directions.” Here is a link to find out more about the
Young at Heart Chorus.