The Amazing Elinor Lipman

Elinor Lipman Northampton MA

Elinor Lipman cannot be stopped. She is funny, insightful, and just keeps pumping out fantastic books year after year. Last night she read from her two new novels, The view from Penthouse B and, I Can’t Complain (All Too) Personal Essays at the Broadside bookshop in Northampton, MA. It was a packed house and she delivered with her deadpan humor and uncanny observations on sex and relationships that only Lipman can make seem wholesome and hilarious. Here is how how Broadside described her new works.

“Elinor Lipman’s latest novel, The View from Penthouse B, tells
the story of a season in the life of recently widowed  Gwen-Laura, now living with her sister Margot. Their household grows to
include Anthony, a young, hip gay man and occasionally  his sister, not
to mention  Margot’s ex-husband, a philandering gynecologist newly
released from prison. They  become Gwen’s cheering section as she
emerges from mourning and ventures back into the dating scene. This is
vintage Lipman, a pure pleasure to read.


I Can’t Complain is Elinor Lipmans’ debut essay collection.
Here are essays on her mother, her husband, her son, on writing and
religion. She brings her trademark wit, wry irony, and sharp eye to her
own experience, and in the process illuminates our own.”

Her reading tour continues, to find out when she may be at bookstore near you check out her website: Elinor Lipman, A Suitable Website