Katrina Vanden Heuvel / National Priorities Project

Katrina-Vanden- Heuvel-©-paul-shoulSunday night was the annual fund raising dinner for the National priorities project here in Northampton Mass, They research the real cost of war, and have been featured by national news outlets around the world

  • Provides data on the impact of federal spending policies for states, cities and counties
  • Educates and trains citizens, activists, media and elected officials on the federal budget, the budget’s local impact and community needs
  • Collaborates with national groups on federal budget initiatives
  • Facilitates dialogue and action between national social justice and security policy groups

Katrina was the key note speaker for the event that drew over 600 people . It was a great night and a pleasure to meet her. She was a down to earth nice, brilliant and one of the great political activists of our country

Katrina vanden Heuvel has been The Nation‘s editor since 1995 and publisher since 2005.

She is the co-editor of Taking Back America–And Taking Down The Radical Right (NationBooks, 2004) and, most recently, editor of The Dictionary of Republicanisms, (NationBooks, 2005)

She is also co-editor (with Stephen F. Cohen) of Voices of Glasnost: Interviews with Gorbachev’s Reformers (Norton, 1989) and editor of The Nation: 1865-1990, and the collection A Just Response: The Nation on Terrorism, Democracy and September 11, 2001.

She is a frequent commentator on American and international politics on MSNBC, CNN and PBS. Her articles have appeared in The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times and The Boston Globe.

Her weblog for the nation.com is “Editor’s Cut.”

She is a recipient of Planned Parenthood’s Maggie Award for her article, “Right-to-Lifers Hit Russia.” The special issue she conceived and edited, “Gorbachev’s Soviet Union,” was awarded New York University’s 1988 Olive Branch Award. Vanden Heuvel was also co-editor of Vyi i Myi, a Russian-language feminist newsletter.

She has received awards for public service from numerous groups, including The Liberty Hill Foundation, The Correctional Association and The Association for American-Russian Women. In 2003, she received the New York Civil Liberties Union’s Callaway Prize for the Defense of the Right of Privacy. She is also the recipient of The American-Arab Anti-discrimination Committee’s 2003 “Voices of Peace” award. Vanden Heuvel is a member of The Council on Foreign Relations, and she also serves on the board of The Institute for Women’s Policy Research, The Institute for Policy Studies, The World Policy Institute, The Correctional Association of New York and The Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute.