Jeff Bridges, Zen Peacemakers Symposium

jeff-bridges-©-paul-shoul I photographed Jeff Bridges at the Zen peacemakers in Montague MA during the “Western Socially Engaged Buddhism Symposium”. The “Dude” is cool.
Along with Jeff on the Arts for Social Change panel were: Beat poet Anne Waldman; author Peter Matthiessen; and an old friend of mine, local performance artist, Court Dorsey.
Here is a link to find out more about the Zen Peacemakers center.

“The Zen Peacemakers hosted
a 6-day Symposium for Western Socially Engaged Buddhism from August 9 to August 14, 2010.

We gathered leading Western activist practitioners, academics and sponsors of Socially Engaged Buddhism.

The daily schedule included: meditation, a key note address, 2 plenary panels, discussion groups, brain storming groups and evening entertainment.

Panels included: Asian Pioneers of Socially Engaged Buddhism, Alternative Communities, Social Entrepreneurship, Politics, Challenges for Socially Engaged Buddhism, Mental Health, Compassionate Care, Environment, and Zen Houses.

Discussion Groups included: Arts for Social Change, Big Mind, Compassionate Care, Conflict Resolution, Trauma, Prison Ministry, Street Ministry and Community Development.

The Symposium was organized to:
*promote the practice of Socially Engaged Buddhism,
*inspire and encourage members of the Western Buddhist community to join this worldwide movement,
*bring together the leading practitioners and theorists in this movement,
*explore the breadth of activity being undertaken by socially engaged Buddhists,
*honor Robert Aitken (click here to read his 93rd Birthday Talk) and some of the pioneers of this movement,
*open opportunities for people to get involved by volunteering, joining training programs, and finding internships and jobs in Socially Engaged Buddhism.”