Springfield Tornado and links to help out

Tornado springfield Ma
Tornado springfield Ma

The morning after the Springfield tornado I spent the day walking the city with Nancy Cohen from WNPR documenting the damage from the storm and people’s efforts to try reconstruct their lives. Here is a link to a Springfield Tornado Slideshow of those images along with music composed and performed by Paul Rocha. Below are links to where you can help the tornado victims and to some of Nancy’s on going coverage :

The ABC TV affiliate has set up a Tornado Relief Fund through United Bank : http://www.bankatunited.com/home/hours.php
United Way of Pioneer Valley, which has a Tornado Relief Fund: http://www.uwpv.org/

The People’s Center 287 State Street is taking clothing donations on weekdays, (413) 739-0229

Beginning Tuesday June 7 and continuing until July 7, the diocesan Catholic Charities Agency will accept items at St. Francis Chapel, 254 Bridge St., each Tuesday and Thursday from 3-6 p.m. Those wishing to donate and those seeking to receive items are asked to call (413) 452-0605 beforehand.

Springfield Partners 721 State Street is accepting donations of water and personal hygiene items after 8 AM on Monday
Salvation Army Springfield office 170 Pearl St. 413-733-1518; or Westfield office 12 Arnold St. or call 413-568-1256.

The West Springfield Church of Çhrist is distributing water, food and baby supplies.

WNPR coverage:


