Back to Spain

This is an image I made during my last trip to Spain inside the cathedral in Santiago De Compostela. I love Spain and this Sunday I get to go back, this time to Zaragoza. “This city in the northern region of Aragón is busily sprucing itself up for next year’s International Expo to take place June 14 through September 14. Spain’s fifth largest city is expected to draw six million visitors, create 9,500 jobs and bring in over $1.2 billion in tourism revenues. A collection of singular buildings and public spaces designed by an impressive roster of architects is rising and we’ll be getting a preview of this new architecture – which includes the largest fresh-water aquarium in Europe.
Zaragoza has been a bit off the traditional tourist track. That may change after the Expo, but even now the area has some of the most beautiful Mudéjar architecture outside of Andalusia. Strolling around the city’s old quarter we will see Roman, Moorish, Renaissance, Baroque and Modernist monuments. And since this is Goya “country,” we’ll have a chance to see some of this renowned artist’s works in situ.”