At the Altar of the Bottom Line

This is the cover of my new book hot off the press that I worked on with author and labor Professor Tom Juravich. Tom was the driving force behind this project that was funded in part by the AFLCIO. He is a wonderful man who did an outstanding job on the interviews. Tom has no off switch, he doesn’t even have a pause button. It was great to work with him. Our collaboration on this also produced a traveling photo show of my Portraits that was shown at the State House in Boston and at the George Meany labor Center in Washington.”Based on extensive interviews with workers in four different industries, this book takes us behind the statistics of the economic collapse and into the lives of Americans who are struggling to make ends meet and support their families. Tom Juravich combines oral history with social and economic analysis to provide a vivid account of the multiple challenges presented in today s workplaces.Juravich argues that workers face a series of paradoxes in the contemporary American workplace. They can no longer assume that large established firms create good jobs. The new working conditions often resemble what was traditionally associated with marginal and low-wage employers. He concludes that we must bring a discussion about the quality of jobs back into the public discourse and that a good jobs strategy is a fundamental building block to economic recovery. Workers voices are front and center in this highly readable book. It includes striking photographs by Paul Shoul” Here is a Link to where you get in an order just in time for the holidays.