Arson fires Northampton

Northampton had 11 arson fires last night. Two of my neighbors are dead , many are homeless and we are all tense .I walked through Glenn Siegel’s house with him and the building inspector today the first time he had been back inside. He and his family were in shock. The house seems to be a total loss, but somehow Glenn’s record collection was intact. When I left him he was sitting with a CD in his hands, lost in thought. His son said that at around 2;00 am he happened to be awake and he heard glass breaking. He went downstairs, and when he found the fire he got the rest of family out. They were lucky, he said it was spreading fast. At the press conference the authorities emphasized that vigilance was our greatest defence. They have offered a reward of 5,000 dollars leading to the arrest of the arsonist. My heart goes out to all that were victimized last night. Lets all try to stay together and help each other through this.