Live United

United way live united add campaign photograph with michael morin and tracey hamiltonUNITED WAY, ADVANCING THE COMMON GOOD. “When Michael Morin and Tracey Hamilton of J. Rich Clothing for Men give to the United Way, low-income parents will get new warm winter coats for their growing children. And, Michael and Tracey’s gift with yours means a helping hand for our entire local community—365 days a year.”

Last week I worked with Sonja Larson to photograph an ad campaign for United way. A great group of local people showed up to put their faces behind the drive to help raise funds. Here is what United Way of Hampshire county does with your contributions and a link to their web site to find out more about how to give.

Children/Youth—Positively improving the physical, social, emotional and intellectual lives of children and youth. Your support means giving a voice to an abused child in the courtroom, offering a low-income child the joy of summer camp or allowing a youth-at-risk to spend an afternoon with a trusted role model.

Health/Safety—Advocating for the physical and mental well-being for all. Your support means refuge from violence for a mother and her children, getting people back on their feet after a disaster or making visible those often overlooked.

Economic Security—Meeting basic needs that no one should be without—food, shelter and support. Your support means putting food on the table of a working family, shelter for a night or a lifetime, or a helping hand to navigate the day-to-day complexities of life. 71 King Street, P.O. Box 123 Northampton, MA 01061-0123 413-584-3962